Hamamatsu Flower Park in Bloom

Spring Festival during the season of blooming

Hamamatsu Flower Park is a botanical garden about 30,000 square meters wide and has plants from over 3,000 different species. I visited the flower park in early April during the Spring Festival.

It was quite the festival of flowers! Besides usual exhibits in the "Crystal Palace" and big sculptures made of flowers, there was a competition of flower compositions on display. Also, I could feast my eyes at blooming sakura, fuji, tulips, and all kinds of spring flowers. There were also live performances of musicians.

I spent all day in Hamamatsu Flower Park as it was really worth it. Firstly, I walked around and enjoyed how the flowers were arranged. Then I took a ride by a “Flower Train” to be sure I've visited every corner of the park such as places in the Flower Park where you can sit down and take a rest. Beautiful landscapes with flowers, water, trees, birds, and bridges always make a wonderful view!

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