Mar 20th
Apr 15th

Reikanji Temple Camellia Event 2025

Enjoy seasonal flowers at this historic temple

Reikan-ji Temple, Kyoto
Mar 20th - Apr 15th 2025

Kyoto's Reikan-ji Temple is often known as the camellia temple thanks to the large number of flowers that bloom on the grounds. When they're at their best, a special opening of the temple is held – it's only open to the public for a couple of weeks for in spring for camellia season, and a couple of weeks in autumn while the leaves are changing.

Photo: Amonzeki Temple Kyoto Reikanji Temple, Kyoto Connect Co., Ltd

Over 100 types of camellias can be enjoyed at the temple grounds, including the Nikko camellia which has been designated as a natural monument by Kyoto City.

There is an admission fee of 800 JPY for adults and 400 JPY for elementary-aged students to enjoy the garden. Infants receive free admission.

Cara ke sana

Reikan-ji Temple can be conveniently accessed by bus from Kyoto Station – take city bus number 5 or 17, and the temple is under 10 minutes on foot from the Ginkaku-ji-michi stop.

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